Monday, October 12, 2009

Using the FindBugs™ Eclipse plugin in Rational Software Architect 7.0 (RSA- 7.0).

Installtion :

Download the eclipse plug-in from the link ( and download the eclipse supported version 1.3.2

Extract the file in the eclipse plug-in directory

Once the plugin is extracted, start RSA and choose Help → About Rational Software Architect → Plug-in Details. You should find a plugin called "FindBugs Plug-in" provided by "FindBugs Project".

Using this plug-in in RSA :

To get started, right click on a Java project in Package Explorer, and select the option labeled "Find Bugs". FindBugs will run, and problem markers (displayed in source windows, and also in the Eclipse Problems view) will point to locations in your code which have been identified as potential instances of bug patterns. Filter the problems window for viewing the find bugs identified issues.